
Minggu, 25 April 2010

low budgetRolling Ave. Bubee Bubble-Free Screen Protector for iPad 2 and iPad 3 - Sputtering Silver (IBBPDAGSV1)

Rolling Ave. Bubee Bubble-Free Screen Protector for iPad 2 and iPad 3 - Sputtering Silver (IBBPDAGSV1)can be described as manufactured goods is absolutely desired in these days, Trying to find details about Rolling Ave. Bubee Bubble-Free Screen Protector for iPad 2 and iPad 3 - Sputtering Silver (IBBPDAGSV1)? Here you can get 2dc the specifics of Rolling Ave. Bubee Bubble-Free Screen Protector for iPad 2 and iPad 3 - Sputtering Silver (IBBPDAGSV1)

lately. If you're looking for bestRolling Ave. Bubee Bubble-Free Screen Protector for iPad 2 and iPad 3 - Sputtering Silver (IBBPDAGSV1), we recommend the product would be the best solution.In case you're deliberate to pay for additional money for the Rolling Ave. Bubee Bubble-Free Screen Protector for iPad 2 and iPad 3 - Sputtering Silver (IBBPDAGSV1),you will to do a small bit analysis to be sure you buy that amount of money smartly. This I can provide you with a small amount of instruction about the Rolling Ave. Bubee Bubble-Free Screen Protector for iPad 2 and iPad 3 - Sputtering Silver (IBBPDAGSV1), so you've just a few think about before you buy it this Rolling Ave. Bubee Bubble-Free Screen Protector for iPad 2 and iPad 3 - Sputtering Silver (IBBPDAGSV1)
The Detailed Description of Rolling Ave. Bubee Bubble-Free Screen Protector for iPad 2 and iPad 3 - Sputtering Silver (IBBPDAGSV1)Features
  • Bubbe lays down completely bubble free and the repositionable adhesive sticks only to the frame of your iPad, not the screen.
  • The easiest to apply iPad screen protector ever
  • The extremely durable material is optically crystal clear.
  • Comes complete with a compatible micro-fiber cloth.
  • Super Anti-Glare and there is no ?rainbow effect?.

List Price?: $29.99

Product DescriptionTechnical InformationCustomer Reviews

Product Description
The easiest to apply iPad screen protector ever! Rolling Aves Bubbe lays down completely bubble free and the repositionable adhesive sticks only to the frame of your iPad, not the screen. The extremely durable material is optically crystal clear providing up to 96% optical transmittance of the iPad screen. Smooth, slide-touch technology does not effect performance of the iPads touch screen. Bubbe provides superior protection from scratches and fingerprints. The surface is Super Anti-Glare and there is no rainbow effect. The film and silicone adhesive is AG PET material from Japan, only 0.188mm thick yet the hardness rates to 4H. Leaves no residue if removed. Fits the new iPad 3 and iPad 2. Bubbe comes in 7 exclusive colors, most having an elegant Pearlescent effect. Comes complete with a compatible micro-fiber cloth.

"bubee" - $29.99 Rolling Ave. Bubee Bubble-Free Screen Protector for iPad 2 and iPad 3 - Sputtering Silver (IBBPDAGSV1) ... Bubee Bubble-Free Screen Protector for iPad 2 ...

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